Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Student Led Conferences

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William is teaching his mum how to play a number game.

Play Dough Letters

William's writing goal is to write lots of letters.  Today in his writing workshop he made lots of letters with the play dough.  "This letter is in my name."

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Our Car Ramp

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Today we were making a car ramp outside. We learned lots about our play. We used puddles to clean our cars to reuse on the ramp. We had a problem where the cars were flying out the end of the ramp. We decided to use sand to stop the cars. Then we had another problem because the sand at the end created a type of sand ramp and the cars started flying over the ramp. We solved the problem by making the sand into a wall to stop the cars.

 We had another idea to create a high ramp at the beginning of the track so we didn't have to push the cars so hard. We used blocks of wood to make one end of the ramp higher.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Learning to Write My Name

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William has been trying very hard at writing his name.  He initially carefully copied over each letter then he practised   writing his name on his own. Well done William you look very proud of yourself.
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Sunday, 7 May 2017

Writing Words

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Brayden and William are learning to write words that they can read in their books.
"I can write lots of is's!" said William.
"I can write over your is Mrs Johnson" said Brayden.